Let`s start 2022 with AGW 2021.02

Software updates
27 Dec 2021

We are thrilled to announce AGW version 2021.02 released on December 29, 2021. AGW is a suite of software products for manufacturing companies committed to becoming a better business. AGW solutions assist you in optimizing manufacturing operations, improving your ROI, automating your workflow, and eliminating errors. They are also perfect for real-time manufacturing data processing and global shop floor operations visibility.

AGW 2021.02 accumulates numerous functional enhancements to the Production module included in AGW Visual and AGW Optimization software products. Introduced enhancements are reflected in AGW Portal and Workstation and represent:

  • Support of simultaneous production flows at a single AWG Workstation. From now on AGW enables capability to manage several independent production flows with a single AGW Workstation screen whether it’s a touch panel industrial PC or mobile terminal. A single AGW screen can be shared between independent operations.
  • Capability to configure connections with plant floor equipment like PLC’s, scanners, printers directly with AGW Workstation application. Setting up connections becomes easier. The feature that was available in AGW Configurator for application administrators only becomes accessible for plant floor users making production support faster and smoother than before.
  • Enhancements of checklists. We introduced multiple enhancements like support of images in checklists or hierarchy of checklists giving higher flexibility and usability of this function.
  • Production schedule improvements, like blocking of manual scheduling, automatic planning of changeovers, manual adjustment of schedule from AGW Workstation. Scheduling enhancements provide higher flexibility while executing production schedule at certain plant floor process cells and work centers.
  • Revisioning of labels. AGW 2021.02 allows to modify parameters of printouts (production labels, homologation labels, quality tags, etc.) in advance to the introduction of these modifications to real production. The users can apply label revisions or roll them back when needed.

AGW 2021.02 includes multiple enhancements of User Experience (UX) of both AGW Portal and AGW Workstation along with functional enhancements. We reworked the design of both applications and improved user administration functionality based on the feedback of OLSOM Customers and Partners making the experience of AGW applications more friendly and pleasant.

The future release AGW 2022.01 that is planned to be out in summer 2022 is focused on expansion of maintenance capabilities of AGW products including advanced asset management (AM) and preventive maintenance.

Reach out to OLSOM to find out more about the AGW 2021.02 release and begin your journey to manufacturing excellence.
