AGW Optimization
• collects data from all equipment and helps monitor the performance in real-time
• prevents human errors on high-speed production processes
• enables quality control at any production stage
• an extensive library of more than 100 - reports covering all aspects of production
• allows to quickly address any production deviations and avoid waste

View the critical production indicators, receive instant alerts on manufacturing issues via email, paging messaging systems or dashboard notifications.

Service compatible with on-premises servers and cloud hosting and can be used via all modern web browsers.

You can order custom report development from our support specialists or set up your reports with AGW Report Designer. Run your reports right in the AGW interface or export data to MS Excel files.

This includes customizing object properties, names, changing UI layouts and many other changes without touching the code. Integrate AGW Optimization with other MES modules to build a holistic manufacturing ecosystem.

With AGW Optimization interfaces, you can establish a robust communication between WMS and your RFID, ERP systems, quality systems, and other manufacturing applications and technologies.

Revolutionize Your Production Efficiency Today!
Discover how our cutting-edge solutions that can transform your operations.