SAP Integration

Nitra, Slovakia
business Task_
Helping our customer integrate with the standardized ERP and sync all the data on a facility level. Collecting data from the equipment, syncing the databases between the shop floors and updating the legacy releases to the newer versions.
We were able to collect and upload master data for 5 existing projects into the system, improving the real-time visibility of each project on a facility level. Along with that, we synced the existing ERP databases for each project and simplified sending production declarations to ERP system, therefore minimizing human factor. Finally, we upgraded the software from the legacy release to the newer versions so that we could offer our technical support.
Key challenges
This case allowed us to extend our experience in the SAP ERP integration. The main challenge was connecting to the new SAP version, 4HANA, but thanks to the adjustability of AGW software, we managed to create a stable network for data collection.